for those people who far away from me, around me, or miss me. :)
July was a tough month for me, rushing for assignments, as usual for an uni student.
I think there is really a different for year 3, 2 and year 1 subjects.
No more 5 subjects for me onward! Or else you can't see my smile during the semester.
Design & Layout made me stress like hell and rush like hell for VP1 shooting.
Anyhow, I had already tried my very best to complete all those stuff and it ended officially!
Cheers to myself and it is time to relax!
People dunno how long had I waited for this moment.
I will really appreciate my short holidays, Promise!!
Good things happen in our life all the time, just the matter how we value it.
Angkasa's life fulled with little surprises. :)

Thanks for all the nice food, kimchi pancake, oreo ice-cream cake, blueberry cheese tart, coconut...... ♥♥♥

Thanks for all the nice food, kimchi pancake, oreo ice-cream cake, blueberry cheese tart, coconut...... ♥♥♥
After the dinner, Hou suddenly realized that there are 2 red chairs and 2 white chairs in our house.
What to do? SS sendiri. XD
What to do? SS sendiri. XD
Alot of things comes across my mind after free from uni stuffs.
Many people's birthday fall on August,
Susan is going to leave and further study in US,
My D.I.E.T plan,
My shopping list,
Tomorrow will be a good start. :)
I know how it feels because I was stressed for everything too. But I can see your VP involved alot of work. Great job! cant wait to see ur work. :) Anyway, goodluck for our upcoming paper. <3
Mimi, i sleep till 1pm today!! :(
haha, wish to have more tomorrow!!
jiayou jiayou! :)
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