"Yea, Photography is fun!" Mr.Alex told me this when I showed him my very first photos for reflection--the weekly assignment.
I was so expected for my Photography class in the early of this semester.
Although I don't have any professional camera except my only blue compact camera, I was eager to learn some techniques or something more details about photography.
Sometimes, we wonder why people able to capture damn nice photos!
We wish we could be one of them, huh?
I really wanna take this opportunity to enhance my shooting skill, try out something different and maybe try to behave like a photographer! hahaXD
As this is my very first basis class for photography, I appreciate every lecture that I able to make it, especially by almost skipping my MOT class at the end of the semester. (All these are the false of UCSI!!! How come they can change the timetable suddenly?? >.<)
Anyway, 14 weeks were gone, and if u ask me how about my photography skill now?
My answer will be, "practice make perfect" and " don't live under others' perception"! :)
Okay, I wanna share my final photography assignment here!
I wish to do some topic that more abstract at first, but you know, time won't allow me to do that and most importantly I am not that high skill yet!!! =(
So finally my topic for my final is about a cafe named as +WonderMilk.
I get to know it from a blogger, since it located not so far away from my home, I able to get there with help from my friends.
It has a very nice and comfortable environment.
The designers try to extent their art and creativity by putting great attention on the decoration, design and product of the cafe.
The cupcakes offered by WonderMilk have a great appearance, but I think it is a bit expensive and the taste is not as good as what I expected.
However, I like there, it is great for relaxing, a place suitable for chitchatting with friends as well.
For more information, feel free to log on www.ilovewondermilk.com.
The process of putting hard work on my story board~
My cafe!
I like my artpiece. ♥
Below are those pictures that I captured and presented on my story board.
Enjoy the series of pictures~

Be frankly, I was not satisfy with those pictures at first, but Alex said, "The matter is how u bring out the story!"
I tried my very best for my storyboard and feature writing - :),
but unfortunately I performed badly for the presentation - :(.
Special thanks to Tham and Jeffrey that borrowed me urs precious DSLR camera,
not forget to lovely Weiwei and Szeqiuan that accompany me to WonderMilk by public transport!!
no ajak sekali~~~!
btw i can accept ur love dun keep it into the bootm of ur heart <3
I keep it for my Mr.Right!! LOL
that's really cute!
thx mimi!
i didnt saw ur photography on tat day leh... >.<
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